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Goodbye Aaron Hernandez. 
Posted on June 26, 2013 at 04:03 PM.
(Posted from an iPad, please excuse grammatical/spelling errors)

Ok, the Aaron Hernandez thing. What a bizarre story. When I first heard about this whole thing I thought it was a prank. When I actually saw the reports online I was mesmerized, I spent a solid hour reading every report I could find on the matter.

Something about this guy always rubbed me the wrong way. Was it the excessive celebrations after every catch, was it the punk/attitude shown at press conferences or during some on-field scuffles, the ridiculous tattoos (I realize not everyone with mass tats is a killer or a bad person by any stretch of the imagination, not trying to typecast anybody), the spazbot TD celebrations, I dunno, something about him just screamed "jerk" to me (putting it lightly).

So, there is no doubt in my mind this man is guilty, at the very LEAST of obstruction of justice in a first degree murder investigation, so, best case scenario is this guy is done in the NFL and he's gonna spend a good amount of time in prison. Worst case scenario, well, you do the math. I know I will probably get a Pats or Gators fan dropping the tired, "innocent until proven guilty" rap on me. Child Please. I will be happy to quote you saying that when they slap this guy with a life sentence. Guilty is guilty, and this man is a criminal.

For the life of me I will never understand why a successful professional athlete would surround himself with bad people and walk that fine line of thug life/celebrity status. Aaron Hernandez would have been able to live comfortably forever. His family would have been taken care for as long as he lived. As a child educator, I can't help but wonder when/where exactly it was that these individuals were failed. I don't think people are born bad. What was it that planted the seed to enable a man to murder someone? At some point in his life Aaron Hernandez was ready to be taught about morals and ethics and, clearly, he wasn't. I don't know if it was family, I don't know if it was his school, but I do know someone, somewhere, failed to do their job.

Is part of of it the fact that this probably was the kid who touched the ball 70 times a game in Pop Warner? Was part of it the fact that this guy skated by in high school/college and wasn't held to the same standard as his other students to his gridiron prowess? Let's be honest, Aaron Hernandez, and a number of his peers who are granted "degrees" by their colleges, aren't gonna win a spelling bee anytime soon. Was it a combination of that false sense of entitlement/invincibility along with maybe a rough childhood that creates this monster-murderous-million-dollar-thug? I don't know. I don't get it. I probably never will.

I understand why the majority of international cyclists and track athletes use performance enhancing drugs. I understand why baseball players juice. I obviously don't agree with it, but I get it. I see the payoff, I see the motive. This kind of crap, on the other hand, just escapes me.

Edit: You heard it here first. I'm willing to bet my life savings that the defense tries to blame football related head trauma for his actions in a desperate attempt to capitalize on the attention being paid to concussions at the moment.
# 1 GRONK IS AMAZIN @ Jun 26
I'm a patriots fan and I know he is guilty. The patriots made the right move by cutting him and he doesn't deserve to play another snap in the NFL. The patriots once again prove that they are a first class organization by cutting him.
# 2 Eski33 @ Jun 26
# 3 cusefan74 @ Jun 28
I don't think the Patriots would be the only team that would have cut him loose after that. What about the Dolphins getting rid of Chad Johnson after he got in trouble, and that wasn't near as bad.
# 4 Schwart @ Jun 28
I'm not saying the Patriots aren't a classy organization, but give me a break. The majority of teams would have done the same thing. It was in their interest to get rid of him.
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